Synchronous Transport Module, level 1 (STM-1)第一級同步傳輸模組
SDH格式的一種,用以定義SDH單元的成框結構。 它的位元速率為155.52 Mbps。
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 傳輸層安全性
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 是一種加密協議,確保在互聯網上進行安全通信。它在資料傳輸過程中加密資料,提供身份驗證以驗證通信雙方的身份,並保持資料完整性。TLS 常用於 HTTPS,以保護在線通信中的敏感信息,如登入憑證和金融交易。
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Transport layer protocol used for reliable full-duplex transmission across the web. It is commonly used together with IP and referred to as the TCP/IP suite or TCP/IP stack of protocols.
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
The Time Domain Multiplexing makes the conversion of multiservice applications as voice, analogue data, asynchronous and synchronous low rate, contact relay information… in digital information nx64kbps Time Slots or DS0 framing or unframed with E1, T1, E3, T3 interfaces cross-connected by DACS and transported over copper, fiber, microwave point to point or multiplexed by a SDH/SONET device.
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
Similar to TDM, multiple signals occupy the same channel by using pre-assigned time slots. TDMA is used in wireless communications and refer to the possibility of having multiple senders (such as multiple radio devices) over and one receiver, as opposed to one sender and one receiver in a wired TDM scheme.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
Extremely simple file transfer protocol. Provides no authenticity or security. Is commonly used on private networks to transmit updates and configuration files.
Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM)
A communication alarm in STM where the trace identifier of this network element does not match the trace identifier of the connected SDH element.
Terms of Service (ToS)
Rules one must follow when using a service. Generally refers to behavioral rules as compared to distribution and back up rules in software licensing agreements (EULA).
Time Slot (TS)
A measure of bandwidth. 1 time slot = 1 TS = 1 kilobit per second = 1 kbps
Time Slot Interchange (TSI)
A device in a switching system that allows any incoming byte on a tributary (input) to be mapped to any other byte on the output. Devices that do not have TSI are said to be "hard wired."
Terminal Timing Mode (TTM)
The condition when the unit uses its own clock, as compared to external timing mode where an external clock source is used.
Tributary Unit (TU)
In SONET, a virtual tributary (VT) along with a pointer that identifies the location of the VT used for switching and cross-connecting.
無源波長分波多工技術是基於在同一光纖通道中發送不同波長的技術。藉由光纖傳輸技術,這些不同的波長不會相互影響,並提供安全、穩定以及無源的傳輸服務。基礎的波長分波多工技術由1350nm以及1550nm Bidi SFP/SFP+的光模組,在單一雙向光纖中實現。Fiber To The Home (FTTH)光纖到戶服務是使用波長1310、1490、1550nm來支援網際網路功能與射頻訊號。簡易傳輸或是兩三個波段則使用+/- 50nm訊號頻段