This year's catalog features products in the following categories: - Multi-Service Access Cross Connect Multiplexer - SDH/SONET-MPLS Hybrid Transport - Transport and Access all-in-one Box - TDM over Ethernet - L2/L3/MPLS/Carrier Ethernet Access Switch - Line Extender Multiplexer for Copper and Fiber - Wavelength Division Multiplexer - IIOT - NG Enterprise Secured Networking Solution - Network Management
Loop Solutions: Transmission and Networking for Power Utilities
Loop Telecom is pleased to present you solutions installed to power utilities all over the world. This 4-page document will provide you some ideas according to general solution and to different demands country per country.
Loop Solutions: Transmission and Networking for Power Companies
Loop Telecom is pleased to present you solutions installed to the Power Companies over the world. This document will provide you some ideas according to general solution and to different demands country per country.
Loop Telecom has developed three ranges of Packet Transport Network (PTN) equipment with MPLS-TP, Carrier Ethernet, L3 IP to support the missions of Dual Node SDH (ADM/TM) + TDM/PDH and 10GE PTN MPLS-TP node, TDM/PDH Access DACS/DCS multiplexer and GE PTN MPLS-TP node and PTN/MPLS-TP node with or w/o SDH Access and TDM Access.