This page shows seven different applications for the Loop-O9300 Fiber Optical Multiplexer. While the O9300 is currently discontinued, the Loop-O9340S Multi-Services Gigabit FOM, and the Loop-O9310 4E1/T1 FOM can replace it when necessary. Refer to its product page or contact Loop for more details.
Management Via LCD, VT-100 and SNMP
Local management tasks are easily handled by a VT-100 monitor or the keypad controlled LCD. Central SNMP management of remote sites further reduces costs.
E1 FOM (Fiber Optic Modem) End to End Transparent Communication
Ideal for Voice, Data and Video applications. An efficient, cost effective way to access fiber optic transmission systems.
E1 FOM Cascade Application
Cascading easily doubles or triples your effective service range. Ports 1-4 of Loop-O9340 #4 connect to Ports 5-8 of Loop-O9340 #1 via the cascade. Ports 5-8 of Loop-O9340 #4 connect to Ports 5-8 of Loop-O9340 #3.
E1 FOM with 1+1 Protection for Fiber Optic Link
No more lost signals due to line failure. Available 1+1 protection enhances system integrity.
E1 FOM Integrated with FE/GE Card
Links all your remote locations into an intranet network. No additional bridge or switch devices required.