Loop Telecom’s 1-channel V.35 /RS232/X.21 plug-in cards are designed for the mini slot of Loop-AM3440 series and Loop-V4200-9. It allows multiplexing of N x 64 kbps data to multiples of DS0 time slots onto a digital network.
- 1-channel DTE plug-in cards for mini slot (V.35, X.21, RS232)
- Maximum date rate
- V.35 and X.21 N x 56 or 64 kbps, N = 1 to 32
- RS232: N x 56 or 64 kbps, N = 1 to 2
- Mapping to any sequential time slots
- Remote diagnostics
Application for 1DTE-V.35 Card
Application for 1DTE-RS232 Card