To completely replace our original products with lead-free products
Revolution of manufacturing process for lead-free products starting from 2009
Our products are completely lead-free throughout the manufacturing process.
Continue to devote to the 100% lead-free manufacturing process.
To recycle and reuse the catons for product packaging
Carton recycling and reuse
We have requested the factory to regularly recycle the cartons for product packaging in order to reduce the environmental burden and to achieve energy efficiency and carbon emissions reductions.
Continue to request the factory to regularly recycle the cartons.
To sort the industrial waste
Waste sorting
We have been sorting the waste in accordance with the regulations by Environmental Protection Administration in order to achieve energy efficiency and carbon emissions reductions.
Continue to implement waste sorting.
To ensure that the electrical circuits are not overloaded
Improvement in personal electrical safety
We have installed EMT conduits to prevent electrical fires caused from rodent damage and aging wiring. It is necessary to install electricity leakage breakers in shower and pantry rooms.
Installed electricity leakage breakers and EMT conduits to protect the wiring system.
To reduce the wooden pallet consumption
Reduction of wooden pallet consumption
We used to use wooden pallets for product shipping, but the wooden pallets are brittle and non-eco-friendly.
Purchased ESD plastic pallets to increase the usage of the pallets.
To eliminate the environmental noise
Reduction of environmental noise which is harmful to human
The air conditioner compressor noise is above 80 dB.
Placed the air conditioner compressors in a separate room and installed a soundproof door and rockwool insulation.
To designate areas for electricity safety
Putting up electrical area waring signs
We have put up electrical room safety signs to warn staff members to beware of electrical and noise hazards.
Increased the number of warning signs and protective equipments.