

  • Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
  • switch
  • Error Free Second (EFS)
  • In T1 and E1 systems, a second where no error blocks are received.
  • switch
  • Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC)
  • The field of electrical sciences that addresses a device's unintended electro-magnetic radiation or its vulnerability to spare radiation in order to prevent interference.
  • switch
  • Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI)
  • Interference from an external source that disturbs an electrical circuit and prevents it from operating normally.
  • switch
  • Embedded Operations Channel (EOC)
  • A channel in a telecommunication facility provided specifically for administration, operations, and maintenance.
  • switch
  • Errored Second (ES)
  • An interval of a second during which any possible error has occurred.
  • switch
  • Extended Super Frame (ESF)
  • In T1 circuits this consists of 24 frames of 192 bits each, with the 193rd bit for timing and CRC check.
  • switch
  • Errored Second Ratio (ESR)
  • The ratio of errored seconds (ES) to total number of seconds during any given measurement interval.
  • switch
  • Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel (ESMC)
  • Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel (ESMC) for Synchronous Ethernet links are communication channels where Synchronization Status Messages (SSM) are exchanged. The ESMC protocol is composed of the standard Ethernet header for a slow protocol, an ITU-T specific header, a flag field and a type length value (TLV) structure.
  • switch
  • European Telecommunication (ETSI)
  • Standards making organization in Europe. Similar to ANSI and CSA, but specifically for the telecom industry.
  • switch
  • External Clock (EXT CLK)
  • A timing signal external to the operating unit, to which the unit is synchronized.
  • switch

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