In 1991, a group of established professionals from the communications industry founded Loop Telecom. These industry leaders, with decades of experience and years of service at Verizon, Tellabs and AT&T, realized the largely untapped engineering and production capabilities of Taiwan. Just ten years after founding, with its Western-style engineering and management, Loop Telecom met the earnings, market, and product diversity requirements to go public with its IPO. It is currently traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corp., or TSEC (3025).
After finding success in its initial market coverage of just a few countries, including the United States and Taiwan, Loop Telecom has expanded its market outreach to over 80 countries around the world. Several sales offices have been established including Taiwan, France, the United States and Australia. Several TAC centers (Technical Assistant Center) have been setup including TAC-EMEA in Greece covering EMEA, and TAC-USA in USA covering North America.
Today, Loop Telecom has a strong portfolio of over 60 products in a wide range of technologies, including multiservice access for analogue, voice, data, and dedicate data for power industry with DS0, E1, T1, DS3, E3, OC3/STM-1, OC12/STM-4, OC48/STM-16 transport over TDM, SDH, TDMoE PseudoWire and PTN with MPLS or Carrier Ethernet. We produce also IP Access and Router and last mile or backhaul over fiber or G.SHDSL.
It has produced the following product linesMulti-service Cross Connect
TDM over IP/Ethernet
PTN-MPLS-Carrier Ethernet
Ethernet Access and Switch
Fiber-DSL Line Extension
Network Management
Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Loop Telecom's mission is to provide communication users and service providers with the technology needed for connecting end-point devices and their access to core networks to form complete services. Loop Telecom is dedicated to developing products/solutions that not only perform their main functions well and meet all ETSI/ANSI network standards, but also to offer end-users, network operators, and service providers with user-friendliness, efficiency, and economy. Today, in addition to our focus on engineering, production, and marketing, we also provide solutions as a System Integrator combining engineering technology, product definition, sales, and service based upon our decades of experience.
Loop Telecom customers include world-wide carriers, cellular operators, internet service providers, utilities, transport industries, airport networks, military networks, and government networks.
Loop Telecom products provide a wider range of features and fit more applications than many other brands in order to facilitate access to all types of communications networks, including IP, MPLS, SDH/SONET, optical, wireless, and legacy TDM systems.
As a smaller company among giants, Loop Telecom offers fast and personalized responses to meet its customers’ specific needs. Because Loop products are cost effective as well as cost competitive, customers can also be more competitive in service level and in cost.